
car rental Crete | carrentalstop, Cretan wine and Raki - Tsikoudia

Cretan wine and Raki-Tsikoudia


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September every year.

The month of Cretan traditional drinks.

The grape harvest after mid-August and September is an outdoor celebration for everyone. Picking grapes is, we can say, a family and friendly affair.

The vineyards are flooded with families and friends who help to make the harvest.

The grapes are placed in tanks (presses) and then the grapes are pressed with the feet to extract their juice or (must). The juice is placed in large old must barrels - for better wine quality.

The leftovers from the grapes, called strafila, are put into other barrels and remain for a period of one month for the relevant fermentation to take place.

With these and in a completely traditional way and with the so-called rakokazano follows the process of producing the famous Cretan Raki. In this process, a call is made again with the participation of friends and relatives, followed by feasting and singing while drinking the fresh raki – tsikoudia.

Tsikoudia-Raki is a traditional exclusively Cretan drink, a 100% pure, clean natural product without preservatives and any other additives.

Drink while eating various appetizers, cucumbers, fresh tomatoes, olives, cheese, nuts, etc.

It is still used, when it is of several degrees, and for therapeutic purposes.

This traditional process is done in all prefectures of Crete and where there are vineyards.

The prefecture of Heraklion probably has the most vineyards in Crete.

Visitors to Crete in September ask where

they can go and watch how it is made and taste fresh Tsikoudia.

We recommend renting a car in Crete.


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